Thursday, 17 October 2013

Primary Research - magazine analysis

Primary research - Magazine analysis

Kerrang! magazine analysis:

Rock Sound Magazine analysis:

Q Magazine analysis:

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Audience Profile

This is my audience profile I created after collecting the results of the questionnaire. I used this to help me with what the front cover will look like, and what it will consist of. I then also used this to help discover what stories I wanted on my Contents page.

My College Magazine: Student Life

This is the final of the college magazine front cover I created.
Firstly, I used the masthead font because it's bold and aimed to be able to catch a persons attention, which I believe does so.The slogan underneath uses the same font and size as the cover lines, only here, is a different colour that matches the blue on the main image.
The titles of the cover lines are bold to stand out, and underneath, a little more explanation is added in the same font and colour, only smaller. I used orange to go with the background, and more so because City College Norwich uses the colour orange in its logo.
I used a puff with buzz word in the top left corner here, to attract more attention to the magazine. The words 'FREE' will attract students especially because, as this magazine is for students, will suit them on their low income budgets (as found out from the audience profile that 50% have jobs, and the other half do not). Again, using the colours of orange and blue.
Lastly, the background colours used here are orange and blue. I decided on these colours first when I was editing my image in Photoshop. I first added the blue, and decided to add the orange to the corner to make the cover look more attractive and less dull. I then added the orange cover lines opposite to the corner of orange to balance out the colours.